Our History

our history truck

When Fresh Start started in 2005, we did so with the vision of becoming the largest independent waste collector within the wide North West Area. The rest is history.

As a forward thinking company, we’re committed to investing in modern technology, such as our multi-functional vehicle fleet. These wagons allow us to collect several waste streams with a single vehicle. This delivers both environmental and operational benefits to the customer. By separately streaming waste, we’re able to improve the percentage of waste that can be presented for recycling within a Materials Recovery Facility.

Contact Us Today


Whatever your business, we offer sustainable waste management and recycling collection services across various towns and regions.

As a carbon-conscious company, the environment is at the core of everything we do. Being a widely trusted waste collector, we understand our responsibility to both our customers and the community to minimise our carbon footprint. That’s why we provide win-win solutions by encouraging customers to segregate waste at the source, rewarding these efforts with reduced waste disposal costs.

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Our Ethos

Built on solid foundations…

Working with companies that have a healthy respect for financial stability is key to successful trading relationships, clients cannot afford to take a risk with a contractor that is not anchored on solid financial foundations. At Fresh Start Waste, our growth is never at the expense of our portfolio of clients.

We aim to be the customers’ first choice for the provision of waste management services.

Our aim is to be acknowledged for our professionalism, honesty and integrity.

We aim to deliver a quality innovative service, at commercially sensitive rates that gives customers the peace of mind to do what they do best, their job.

Serious about waste…

At Fresh Start Waste, throughout our history we’ve been dedicated to helping our customers manage their waste obligations in a professional manner. We’ll work with you to ensure you are advised on innovative ways of recycling more of your waste streams.

our history waste collector
AHVLA Registration certifications

Open for business

Service collections commence central Manchester.

Business incorporated the following year.

Equal Opportunities policy certifications

Recycling collections introduced

Turnover exceeds £1m.

new Fresh Start Waste

Doors open at Swinton

Doors open at our Swinton-based Materials Recovery Facility.

Collection services available across all of Greater Manchester.

Animal by Products Approval certifications

Introducing Food Collection Services

The Green Chef Revolution arrives, with the introduction of our waste food collection service.

Carbon Capture Certifications

Dual collection vehicles introduced

Dual compartment collection vehicles introduced allowing two waste streams to be collected at the same time.

Safe Contractor Certifications

Service collections extended across Lancashire and Merseyside

Truck weighing technology introduced along with driver PDAs.

First Euro VI truck entered service.

expanding vehicle fleet

Growth at Fresh Start

Over a million collections a year.

Staff numbers exceed 100.

Fleet size increases to 27 trucks.

forest carbon logo

Carbon neutral collection commitment

In partnership with Forest Carbon.

recycling facilities and wagons

£750k Upgrade to Materials Recovery Facility completed

A new £750k upgrade has been made to the Materials Recovery Facility allowing for increase capacity and more automation.

hospitality action and bulky bobs logos

Making a change

On the road to supporting the hospitality sector through supporting Hospitality Action and working to End Furniture Poverty with Bulky Bob’s

too good to go logo

Too Good To Go

Continuing to battle the war on food waste by supporting Too Good To Go

Get a Quote Today

Once you make an enquiry, one of our dedicated team of Commercial Development Managers will contact you.

0808 178 1966

Waste type
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