

Experienced Environmental Waste Management Company to Remove Harmful Materials From Our Land, Air and Water.

Fresh Start provide comprehensive environmental waste management solutions to businesses throughout the North West. We offer a variety of waste services, including hazardous waste removal, recycling, and composting solutions. By working with Fresh Start Waste, you can rest assured that you are putting the environment first and taking the necessary steps to reduce the emissions associated with environmental pollution. We understand that every situation is different, so we tailor our services to help to remove, recycle, or otherwise dispose of harmful materials from our land, air, and water. These waste services also help to reduce emissions associated with environmental pollution. With Fresh Start’s environmentally-friendly waste services in place, we can enjoy cleaner air, water and soil for generations to come.



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Whatever your business, we offer sustainable waste management and recycling collection services across various towns and regions.

As a carbon-conscious company, the environment is at the core of everything we do. Being a widely trusted waste collector, we understand our responsibility to both our customers and the community to minimise our carbon footprint. That’s why we provide win-win solutions by encouraging customers to segregate waste at the source, rewarding these efforts with reduced waste disposal costs.

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What Our Clients Say

Simpler Recycling

From March 31st 2025, all businesses with 10 or more full time equivalent employees must segregate their waste streams at source. This is to allow for easier and more efficient recycling. Schools, hospitals and commercial enterprises must all comply with these new laws and separate the following waste:

Plastic, glass, metal (cans, tins and foil), cartons & tetrapaks, paper and cardboard, and food waste.

Businesses with less than 10 employees are advised to separate any materials that generate over 5kg of waste, but will not be subject to the new laws until March 2027. 

Fresh Start can help you get on top of the rules and regulations, supporting you with environmental waste management and sustainability across your company. We have already won two prestigious awards for our work on Simpler Recycling, including an International Green Apple Award for our Simpler Recycling for Schools campaign.

Why Choose Fresh Start Waste Services?

waste recycling
Zero to Landfill Solutions
Carbon Capture Programme
recycling items
Real Recycling at our Materials Recovery Facility
waste disposal
99% successful attendance rate
general waste collection
Family run, direct collector in North West region since 2005

What Is Environmentally-Friendly Waste Management?

Environmentally-friendly waste management is the collection, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials to make sure they are disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. Our team of professionals have years of experience in environmental waste services, ensuring your business meets all applicable environmental regulations.

We are committed to reducing the amount of pollution generated from your day-to-day activities by finding sustainable solutions that preserve our planet’s resources.

We offer a variety of waste services including hazardous waste removal, recycling and composting solutions. With Fresh Start Waste’s help, you can rest assured that you are putting the environment first.

Environmental waste - Permit certifications
Environment waste - policy certifications

Get a Quote Today

Once you make an enquiry, one of our dedicated team of Commercial Development Managers will contact you.

0808 178 1966

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